1 – Analytical report on current and innovative practice
An analytical report on current and innovative practice of territorial development professions in the five partner countries, with some reference to other EU MS and to the European state of the art. Beyond the general picture, ten concrete case studies will be analysed in depth. Download here.
2 – Reference competence framework
A reference competence framework for professions related to territorial development, including the identification and concept validation of possible learning pathways for initial and continuing education. A gradual experimentation of these pathways is foreseen, starting in year 2 with the collaboration of local authorities and relevant enterprises, to validate the relevance and the integrated classroom/work-based learning approach. Download here.
3 – Piloting and development phase of Curricula and digital resources creation
An ultimate and validated version of learning pathways that will lead to defining and producing the specific contents of teaching and learning modules.
4 – Development of video and digital tools for university students and trainers
A set of videos and digital tools for learners as an accountable and easy to access reference. Those online modules will be both theoretical and grounded on the analysis of specific case studies and will be validated by local authorities, key stakeholders and students. For trainers too, that could be an accountable reference for methodologies, teaching practices, students’ engagement, students’ capacity building, and synchronous exercises.
5 – Multilingual learning community platform
A multilingual learning community platform, including newly developed and selected learning resources available for initial and continuing training of local development professionals; the platform will not only be a resource repository, but an active transnational hub to organise virtual exchange learning activities across countries and teaching institutions, exchange of teachers and professionals, peer learning and peer reviewing activities among local authorities and other stakeholders. Visit the platform here.